Our Mission For Your Entire Families (Humans And Pets) Health And Well Being.
DCP Wellness is a company that knows how difficult living healthy can be for you and your pets. It is a comprehensive site that melds western and eastern medicine for treatment of acute and chronic medical issues that develop when you or your pets immune system is out of balance.
We take the time to do a thorough and complete history, including reviewing any medical/veterinary records that maybe pertinent, and when necessary, can refer you to top medical/veterinarian professionals. Also, we fully facilitate and promote better well being with foods, vitamins, and supplemental care.
The time we spend is time that medical professionals do not have to put into you or your pets health care. Some scary realities are that although people and pets are living longer, they are not "functionally" living longer. And, 75% of healthcare costs in the U.S. goes towards treating food related illnesses.Our goal is to provide current, in depth information for a clearer path to a healthier life through a balanced immune system. This is a collaborative effort, total health service, founded to support, balance and boost you and/or your pets immune system in a natural and holistic way. We will even secure appointments with physicians/veterinarians and/or work with your current physicians/veterinarians for a totally integrated treatment.
Remember, when the immune system is under attack by life stressors such as emotional issues, depression, chemical exposures from food/water, obesity, viruses, bacteria, allergies, cancer or other medical conditions it can over or under react thereby losing its ability to fight off or correct the imbalance. When this happens illnesses arise or get worse. However, with dietary changes, nutritional supplements and/or other alternative treatments a balance can be achieved and maintained for a healthier, stronger and fuller life.