
group doctorsThere are many obstacles to obtaining qualified and proper heath care. Because your doctors have limited time to fully appreciate or review your medical history and issues, you need to be focused and on-point when you go in to see any physician. We will help you communicate better with your physicians. If you have any significant health issues, we can help you understand those conditions, what the possible diagnosis and treatment options are, and ask the right questions about your health care. This makes the office visit worthwhile and creates a clear line of communication. Everyone should feel comfortable and confident when dealing with health care providers. Also, we can work with your doctors to find the best medical and/or alternative care for your issues.

Did you know that 75% of all chronic illnesses and health care costs for those are linked to, or caused by food related issues. This is a critical area to address (For example,,, ). Our advice may include dietary changes, supplements/herbs and/or alternative treatment options such as acupuncture, yoga or massage therapy.

Contact Us Today!

kid doctors

We offer an integrated health care plan with nutritional guidance to treat your medical problems. Please call or email us with information regarding your medical issues and concerns. We will respond within 48 hours to discuss your case in terms of costs and evaluation. Contact Us Today!


Our hourly fee is $110.00/hour and we expect to use no more than 3 hours for each client. However, if more time is needed it will be billed out in 15 minute increments and only with the full understanding and approval from the client. Your health care providers will be sent a copy of your supplement plan as well as any dietary changes that are made.

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Family Health Care

For any issue, a healthy answer for you and your family.

healthy living

Whether you have 2 feet or 4, these products will shift your immune system into a healthier place.


We advocate, and uncomplicate, the health/ veterinary care system for you and your pets

Boomer the dog

Information and products that will save you money and lengthen your pets life.


DISCLAIMER- These products and services are for educational purposes only. The opinions expressed by the participants are solely their own and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. DCP Wellness LLC. products and/or endorsements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Weight loss results and responses to vitamins and herbs may vary. Always consult your physician or healthcare professional before starting any of these products or other wellness or fitness program.

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