Bugs Don't Bite™ is an organic, all-natural bug repellant for you, your family and your pets. It repels mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, gnats and black flies. No odor, cloth stains or toxic side effects.
The main ingredient in our product is ORGANIC CATNIP. We use no other oils, fillers or preservatives. Ours is a proprietary formulation that has been proven to repel mosquitoes, black flies, gnats, fleas and ticks from carpets, the fur of animals, and the skin of people. It also repels cockroaches and waterbugs.
There is no odor, staining of clothes or toxic side effects, and it is completely safe for children and young pets... unlike DEET which is also known to cause seizures and cancer. It has been reported that when repellents with high concentrations of DEET are applied over several days, they can accumulate in the skin and cause an acute encephalopathy. In addition, many products containing DEET are flammable.
Children who absorb high amounts of DEET through insect repellents have developed seizures, slurred speech, hypotension and bradycardia. Adults who absorbed and/or ingested too much DEET have developed seizures, hypotension and coma.
NONE of the toxic flea and tick sprays work 100% against fleas, ticks or mosquitoes. The ones that work best, like Advantix, do so because they add several stronger pesticides which are extremely toxic, and sometimes deadly, to cats, infant animals and HUMANS.
DO NOT believe claims that what you put on The skin is not absorbed in human, dog or cat bodies. the skin is the biggest organ and CAN absorb around 60 % of what is put on it, depending upon the molecular structure.
REMEMBER that all of these insects can cause severe allergies and carry diseases such as babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, tapeworms, heart worm, Lyme, Nantucket fever, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever disease to name a few.
USING our organic product, either alone or with compounds like Advantage, Frontline and/or Advantix is always a better choice and the ONLY thing that should be used on humans.
In research conducted at Iowa State University by the US Forestry Service, CATNIP (nepetalactone ) was found to be ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than the compound used in most commercial bug repellents. www.ScienceDaily.com
Other articles that you can review regarding this type of product: American Chemical Society. Catnip Repels Mosquitoes More Effectively than DEET. August 28, 2001; Benson, Linda. Some Insect Repellents May Offer Children More Harm than Good. Dermatology Times. December, 1999; Johns Hopkins News-letter. A New Way to get rid of Roaches? News briefs, September 9, 1999; West, Kim. Preliminary Research Suggests Catnip Effective as Mosquito Repellent. Herbalgram 54, 2002