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"My new born had severe "colic" and nine of the doctors could not tell me how to treat it, other then to say he would grow out of it. My other four legged baby, Bozo, had severe weeping eyes, ear infections and joint issues. We called DCP Wellness and they put the baby on goat milk, Vit D3 with a probiotic and he was completely fine. They told us he might have other food allergies so to watch for that in the future. Bozo had his thyroid checked and it turned out he had thyroid disease and food allergies. Now he is a happy boy with new food, vitamins and a thyroid supplement."
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"My son has asthma and eczema which doctors had him on many drugs including steroids which can cause diabetes! DCP Wellness got him off of processed sugar and gluten, sent him for acupuncture for the asthma, and gave him supplements to support his immune system and gut. He is happy and healthy with no medical issues." - Marybeth M, Asheville, NC |
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"I used this company to help me find natural supplements and dietary changes to treat my early prostrate cancer so I could avoid surgery and/ or radiation. I highly recommend them for anyone with any issue. They are thorough, work with your doctors, and can refer you to any specialist in the country-getting you in to see them in a very short time." - Mike W., Columbia, SC |
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"Our baby was premature and couldn't tolerate formula. She would scream all the time, have horrible diarrhea...the doctors had her on all kinds of meds, none of which she needed. DCP Wellness came in and diagnosed her milk sensitivity, got her on goat milk, VitD and a probiotic which fixed everything. We can't recommend them more highly. "- Sally D., N. CHAS, SC |
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"I tried everything my doctor gave me including Chantix, but nothing worked until I met DCP Wellness. They put me on two herbs, some vitamins and sent me to acupuncture and yoga. In 3 weeks I had stopped, after smoking for more then 10 years!" Mike, Tampa, FL. |
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"I had Chrohn's which required a resection. The flares were making another surgery inevitable and the Immuran was killing all my platelets which is very dangerous. I wanted to explore other therapies so I went to DCP and they got me on a special diet, multiple vitamins and herbs and I have gained my weight back, am off the Immuran, and feel better then I have in years." - Lisa K., Savannah, GA |
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"Our little girl was premature at 26 weeks. We were overwhelmed and unable to get the help we needed to understand her health issues, deal with the treating doctors and to get referrals for medical experts. Having Susan as our advocate made all the difference to our health and well being-both physically and mentally." Susanne, NY |
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"I suffered severe allergies, had low energy and wanted to weight lift and work out more. DCP Wellness gave me some great vitamins and some supplements for my allergies which helped me feel better and get back to the gym." Dave and Coltrane, Amesbury, MA |
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"Our baby had reflux and the probiotics DCP Wellness gave us fixed it quickly. Even more interesting is that her umbilical hernia also "fixed itself" in a matter of a few days after we started giving her the probiotics! The hernia used to stick out a little over an inch and we were told it could take years to clear up. But now it's totally gone and she now has a flat belly button. Michael, New York, NY. |
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"I have Parkison's and DCP Wellness helped me as my patient advocate so that i could ask the right questions of my doctors, get new doctors, and get onto vitamins and herbs that help my condition." Anne, Buffalo, NY |
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"Lily is a diabetic with celiac disease, food allergies, and severe abdominal pain issues. Through DCP Wellness we got to some new, great doctors, had someone to talk to about all of the conflicting advice and testing, got constant nutritional guidance and vitamins that managed to improve her by 50 percent. She got many pain free days, gained some weight back, and is a much happier little girl." Lily and Sammy, New Jersey |
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"I use DCP Wellness to help navigate the health care system, find the right doctors for me, and to get the vitamins and supplements that help me stay healthy. I have more energy, stave off the flu and other viruses, and my digestion is back on track." Michelle, Cleveland, Ohio |
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"As a mom who works inside and outside the home, with an 8 year-old boy, i needed help from DCP Wellness to get my immune system in balance. I had urinary tract infections, auto-immune issues, and dermatitis. Nutritional guidance, getting off of some foods that were giving me allergic reactions, and being on the Davinci vitamins has helped all of my issues." Lisa, NY |
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"I am 92 and credit DCP Wellness for my still being here! They have had me on supplements that stopped my chronic upper respiratory infections, helped me lower my numerous prescription meds and have helped me interface with my doctors and hospitals. My lovely wife also uses the company for all of her medical needs. We don't know what we would do without them. Rita and Geoffrey, Amesbury, MA |
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"I have horribly brittle nails and hair, so when I met DCP WellnessI really wanted some help. They asked me to get blood work to look at my hormones, thyroid and general blood chemistry's, and since they were normal, they recommended Horsetail tea, because I need Silica. Also, I got on Biotin and B vitamins from Davinci. After three weeks I noticed a huge difference and am so happy." Molly, Flagstaff, AZ |
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I have cellulite and spider/varicose veins and I didn't want to do surgery or laser treatments. DCP Wellness offered me Butcher's Broom extract for the veins. I mix with body lotion, twice a day (1 tbsp cream and 10 drops) which constricted the veins and decreased the bulging. Then they gave me flax seeds in the AM (2tbsp) and GotuKola and horsetail cream at night and they made the cellulite look much less noticeable. Dana, Hurricane, UT |